WHEEL pottery (advance)
You learnt pottery sometime ago and you have some good idea of centering and lifting clay on the wheel. Then you are ready to advance the next level.
This is an ongoing pottery class for advance potters. The program will focus on developing advance wheel throwing techniques as well as surface decoration techniques.
Course Outline:
- How to throw a round shaped pot
- How to make chattering effects on pottery
- How to collar small and long necked vase
- How to "throw off the hump"
- How to throw lids for teapot
- How to make spouts and handles for teapot
The course outline above served only as a guide. We will try our best to cover as many topics as possible, subject to individual progress.
What can you make: Plates, small neck vases and round shaped pots
What can you bring home: Up to 6 pieces of glaze fired pottery (If you have more than 6 pieces and wish to keep them all, we will fire them for you but there will be additional charge for firing @$0.12/cubic inch or min.$10/pcs, whichever is higher.)
Age: Suitable for 16 years old and above
Duration: 2hrs x 6 sessions
Strictly no refund upon course commencement.
Reschedule of lesson will incur additional charge of $20/lesson. Subject to availability.
Reschedule of lesson must be pre-arranged at least 24hrs before scheduled class time.
Max. participants per session: 7 pax
Fees: $450.00 (Inclusive of all materials, tools and equipment, no hidden charges)
Collection of glazed fired works: 3-4 weeks (We will inform you once your works are ready for collection and we will keep them for max. 2 months after your course end date.)
Tues 10am -12pm 7pm - 9pm
Weds 10am -12pm 7pm - 9pm
Sat 4pm - 6pm
Sun 10am - 12pm
No pre-requisite program - You do not need to have any experience or start-up courses such as handbuilding to get started on the wheels. So get on now!
Less students, more attention - We limit each session to only 8 students because we want to be more attentive to you.
Please provide your full name, email, mobile and your preferred slot.
Whatsapp to 9770 4862 or email to alvin@uppottery.com. We will register your name on the waiting list and update you once the timeslot is open.